Full Lash Shampoo Kit, 50ml Shampoo, Printed Box, Printed Brush, Printed Spoolie - PACK OF 50 (Own Logo) - £4.75 per kit

  • Full Lash Shampoo Kit, 50ml Shampoo, Printed Box, Printed Brush, Printed Spoolie - PACK OF 50 (Own Logo) - £4.75 per kit

  • £4.75 per Kit. Customise your Bottle, Box, Brush & Spoolie
  • From £237.50
    inc. VAT (where applicable)
What colour Box would you like?:
Would you like a Gloss Finish over the text & logo on the box? (adds a shiny gloss overlay):
Shampoo Bottle:
What would you like the Product to be called (Lash Shampoo / Lash Cleanser / Lash Foam Cleanser etc). For repeat orders type 'Same Label':

0 characters left.
Would you like to add a website/instagram/facebook address or anything else to the box/label?:

0 characters left.
Brush Style:
Spoolie Top:
Spoolie Glitter Brush:
What Text would you like on the Brush & Spoolie? For repeat orders type 'Same':

0 characters left.
Any particular colour font? Any particular font? Or Italics? (if none stated we will use standard font and black text.):

0 characters left.
Is this a re-order?:

:  at  £237.50  each